Thursday, March 7, 2013

266/365: Asking the Right Questions

I got nothin'!
Today I made:

time to ponder the questions...

When it comes to growing a creative practice, there always seem to be more questions than answers.

How do I make more time for creative play?

How do I use the time I have wisely?

What should I be putting my focus on?

How do I stay committed to my creative goals when I'm being pulled in so many different directions? 

Can I really juggle it all?

The most frustrating part is (and was and I'm honestly nervous that it will always be), as soon as I uncover an answer or overcome an obstacle, I get distracted by another part of my life and lose sight of my understanding. It disappears as spontaneously as it arrives. I guess it's a good thing I'm documenting my learning here.

I don't have very many solutions, but I feel I'm getting better at asking the right questions. The answers don't guarantee permanent understanding and they don't always get us where we want to go. It is the questions that keep us going! If we ask ourselves the right questions, we focus our minds on the right work along the path.

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