Tuesday, December 11, 2012

180/365: The Itch We Can't Scratch

Today I made:

time to write... (on purpose)

I had a couple happy realizations today while catching up on my blog posts from my creative acts this weekend. The accountability that documenting on my blog has provided has been very good for me and it's starting to stick. Even on the days that I'm too busy to post my creative act, I'm still getting it done in the real world where it truly matters. I'm holding myself to it every day, and it's feeling more natural. I'm following the same rule I ask of my students- do your best even when no one is watching. That feels good because it means I'm committed to myself.

I also pinpointed a place in my life where I can be a little more gentle with myself. It has to do with allowing myself the time to write when I have the urge to write. (Imagine that!) Over the past several months, I have been rather hard on myself on the nights when I spent my creative time "blogging" rather than playing with my art supplies. While the ultimate goal is to make more visual art, I am still expressing myself and connecting with my creative spirit on the days when I choose to write. Just like a short session of doodling adds to my work as an artist, all the little journal sessions make me a stronger writer and allow me to honor the fact that writing is a force of creative good in my life! Through writing, I'm making sense of my learning and making new connections that ultimately benefit all my creative goals. On busy days when it's hard to make studio time and all I want to do is work stuff out in my brain, writing has been my saving grace.

The creative urge sometimes feels like an itch we can't scratch. We have to find the tool that's going to get the job done. Some days that's a paint brush or a sewing machine. Other days it's an instrument or favorite song and make-shift dance floor. Many days, for me, it is the blank page and my full brain that allow me to get at that creative itch.

Which tools of creativity can you acknowledge in your life? They. All. Matter.

1 comment:

  1. Have you decided not to post Sunday and Monday? I was hoping for pictures of your ''totally rad'' costume or some other thought of inspiration. Oh well onward we go...
