Thursday, October 18, 2012

126/365: How Dare We Let Fear...

Today I made:

a cozy spot on the couch & an unexpected connection...

I was craving a night of relaxing with the hubby. Chicken pot pie and catching up on The Office was sure to cheer me right up. It's funny how inspiration finds me when I decide to take the break I've been needing. The show never fails to crack me up, but today it totally caught me off guard in a different way. We were watching the Halloween episode from season 8 and at the end, one of the characters says some very honest words about fear that made me think...

"Fear plays an interesting role in our lives.
How dare we let it motivate us?
How dare we let it into our decision making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships?
It's funny isn't it? We take a day a year to dress up in costume and celebrate fear."

~Robert California
The Office: Season 8, Episode 5 "Spooked"

That's right. How dare we let fear do that to us? I love Halloween and have nothing against getting spooked in that sense, but the fears that creep in the other 364 days per year- the ones that keep me from living up to my full potential- I'm not too keen on entertaining those much longer. I wonder if the quote would have affected me as much if I weren't living through some fear-facing times. I'm ready to clear out the cob webs and scare off some of my own spooks.

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