Saturday, August 16, 2014

Me and the Bee

I found this little messenger on my photo walk today.
Me and the bee, we had a moment,
and she told me this...

Sometimes you have to be willing
to pause among those wild-growing flowers of your soul,
and peer a bit further in
to find the little wing-ed thing
inside you.
She will gaze back at you
and you will know
with your whole heart
that she is there working her magic,
and you can have faith
that the honey will come.

We can always choose to pause among all those wild-growing unanswered questions.
To go inside ourselves and rest in the present moment,
Where we can connect with our inner Source,
And gain awareness and trust that everything is working itself out.
Trust that we are always being guided down the path to our sweet golden dreams.

Continue on, peacefully, with this knowing.

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